Tuesday, March 27, 2007

I'm makin some wee note cards, I've doodled these as of late, and I thought they were funny and cute, and I could send them to my mum for her birthday instead of a cheesy card. (Or crude. I'm a wee bit crude.)

I was able to teach a class with industry people yesterday (I was a busy bee yesterday) It was really nice actually. Carm always tells me I need more real world experience, as I have only really worked for one design company. So it was lovely to talk to people about their jobs and work and ra ra ra just to get different perspective. One guy actually mocked me because I forgot to turn something to outlines, so when it went to print it got all wonky. haha.. (he didn't offensively mock me. but he questioned my actions. My rubtle was that I innocently forgot.)

Anywhoodle. It was lovely to meet new people and talk about design and such. I liked it. And I was lucky enough to learn even MORE about illustrator. Wee!! So, if you need help- I can help!!

The stock portfolio will be in full swing again tomorrow. I am still wanting to make a few greeting cards, I'm still making some wee little sewn characters (to be posted above) but I am really wanting to get my website up and getting some more illustrations done.

As of today I have been approved for about 35 Amercian Visa's. Apparently America wants me. They want me bad.


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