Thursday, April 19, 2007

Ahem. Reintroducing.. Me.

"What's that? Oh Hi! Yes it is me with brown hair" (That's the play I was re-enacting in my wee montage here.)

well well. we all know how I love to change my hair drastically. I tried to talk my new hair dresser into drastic brown, like nelly furtado brown (it makes blue eyes pop), but she wanted to be more subtle. So anywho, here it is, reintroducing me. I've had brown hair before, and my own best friend didn't even recognize me, so when I went into work today, nobody recognized me either. It's me!

No work lately. Well, I drew this bee for a client, but it never got used so.. here's a lovely bee.

Oh ps. I leave for the south island soon, so I'll see you all in a month or so!! xoxo. m

1 comment:

crystal driedger said...

What your bee never got used? Blah!